Правительство РФ утвердило соглашение о поставках нефти в Словакию и транзите через неё Energy industry
The Russian government approved the agreement on oil supplies to Slovakia and transit through it
From 01 January 2015 to 31 December 2029, will last the agreement between Russia and Slovakia on the supply of 6 million tons of oil a year to Slovakia and transit through Slovakia to 6 million tons per year.
В греческой гробнице найдены голова сфинкса и богиня Аида Culture and art
In Greek tomb was found the head of the Sphinx and the goddess of Hades
In Greek tomb was found the head of the Sphinx and goddess of Hades. It is 104 kilometers to the East of Thessaloniki, on the hill of Kasta in Amphipolis, the tomb is the largest of Greece IV century BC
Государственный музей Востока Museums
The Museum Of Oriental Art (Moscow, Russia)
State Museum of Oriental art, located at the House Lunnyh created October 30, 1918, the exposition of the Museum consists of 147’500 exhibits representing the art of the Far and Middle East and Central
Media review
Overview of the French media 26.10.14
In France, the discussion of the budget produced a political storm. In particular, a moderate politician F. Bayrou called for the dissolution of the National Assembly of France. On October 26, 2014 politician
Banks and Credits
25 banks have not passed the European tests
According to a study of the European Central Bank (La Banque centrale européenne, BCE), 25 banks from the euro area are not able to resist 130 in the financial shock and have a need for capital to 25 billion euros.
Англиканская церковь официально рукополагать женщин World
English church will impose women
The English Queen signed the official decree of October 24, 2014, after signatures of both houses of the British Parliament, for permission to ordain women. The Synod of the Church of England gathered
25 октября 2014 года во Франции открылся обновлённый музей П.Пикассо Culture and art
Renewed Picasso meuseum was opened in France on October 25, 2014
On October 25, 2014 in France, after 5 years of restoration works, was opened museum of Pablo Picasso, placed in Marais disctrict of Paris. The ceremoony of opening was started with French President F.
А.Лукашенко встретился с представителями белорусской творческой интеллигенции Belorussia
A. Loukashenko met Belorussian intellectuals
On October 23, 2014 President of Belorussia Loukashenko met with representatives of creative intellectuals of the country. The state is waiting for creations, which would educate citizens and grow up patriotism
The number of dissertation councils in Russia will be reduced by one-third
Higher attestation Commission under Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation plans to reduce in 2015, 33% of the dissertation councils in Russian universities and research institutes.
Экс-лидера ДПНИ заключили в СИЗО до 30.11.14 Russia
Former leader of Movement against illegal Immigration was prisoned till 30.11.14
Famous Russian nationalist politic A. Potkin (Belov), one of heads of Union Russkie, was arrested in court for theft of $5 bln in BTA-bank. According to Internal Police office, anti-extremist 282 article
Открыто ещё одно уголовное дело в отношении М. Марцинкевича Russia
One more criminal case is opened against M. Martsinkevich
Yound Russian political man Maxim Martsinkevich (or Tesak), convicted for 5 years of high-security prison for placing videos according to article 282 of Russian criminal law (so called «extremism»), got
Прибыль Harley-Davidson в III квартале 2014 г снизилась до $150.1 млн Cars
Profit Harley-Davidson in the third quarter of 2014 decreased to $150.1 million
Profit Harley-Davidson in the third quarter of 2014 decreased to $150.1 million compared to $162.7 million in 2013. The company’s revenue fell 1.3% to $1.3 billion due to the reduction of the supply
Снизился объём производства шин в России Cars
Production of tires in Russia decreased
In January-September 2014 in Russia produced 37.6 million tires, tires and tubes (-4.1% in 2013). The major market players continue to: Nizhnekamskshina, Nizhnekamskshina and Altai Tyre Plant.
Занятость и безработица в России в сентябре 2014 года Macroeconomy
Employment and unemployment in Russia in September 2014
The total number of economically active population aged 15-72 years in Russia in September 2014 amounted to 75.7 million (53% of the total population). 3.7 million people were unemployed by the ILO criteria (i.
Внешнеторговый оборот России по итогам января-августа 2014 составил 98.4% к 2013 году Economy
Foreign trade turnover of Russia in January-August 2014 amounted to 98.4% by 2013
According to the Bank of Russia, in January-August 2014 foreign trade turnover of the country amounted to $549.5 billion (98.4% as against January-August 2013), including exports – $342.5 billion (101.1%), import –