
According to the forecast of the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev at the end of 2014 inflation in Russia could exceed 8%, since its growth rate is 0.2% per week (according to Rosstat).

Shares of grand oil company Total fell by 2% to €42.08 per share, and capitalization decreased to €100.3 bln. 20.10.2014 in avia crash died its managing director Christophe de Margerie.

HSBC Holding gave Russia 50.9 industrial index, which shows small growth of the rate in September 2014. In industry was noted the lowest growth in the last 3 months. In services expectations worsened.

British company «Oxford Ancestors», geneological expert, in 2007 oblidged to prove, that Lermontov ancestors came from Scotland. It was supposed, that Lermontov family started with George Lermont came from Scotland.

On October 17, 2014 at Museum of London was opened an exhibition dedicated to Sherlock Holmes – the Man who never lived and will never die. It took more than 125 years, and the legendary detective still

Shares of the British company rolls-Royce (Rolls-Royce) fell 11.5% in connection with the notice of the company about the drop in revenue from the Russian sanctions. The sales forecast for 2014 adjusted for 3.

HSBC will decrease mortgage rate to 0.99% – the lowest rate, which will reduce mortgage credit expenses by pounds of pound strelings. It is expected, that increase of currect bank rate by 0.

Russia continue to discuss the military conflict in the East of Ukraine. Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin signed amendments on the limitation of foreign ownership to the law “On mass media”

On the website of the Federal Service of State Statistics (the so-called Rosstat) updated the index of industrial production of petroleum products (petrol for 104.7 and 103.9 for diesel) and consumer prices

Assessment of the consumer price index from 7 to 13 October 2014 published on the website of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat often called). Became more expensive: +1.7% Fruits and vegetables on average +10.

On October 14, 2014 law, earlier approved by State Duma and Counsil of Federation, was signed. It concerned limitation of foreign ownership of the Russian Media. Starting from January 01, 2016 shares of

Drop in demand for aviatrips forces UTair to launch campagn for decrease expenses: in 2014-2015 it is decided to reduce 10% of stuff, 20% of flights, and also to postpone purchasing of 20 contracted Airbus

On October 15, 2014 in Moscow Russian politic man Alexander Potkin (Belov), former head of party on compatting illegal immigration (DPNI) was detained and placed to detention center in Petrovka, 38.

The Central Bank, led by Elvira Nabiullina has revoked the licenses of banks Purpe (Tyumen) and CreditBank (Elista), as well as non-Bank credit organization Utika (Moscow) in connection with their participation in “

France is discussing the budget for next year. He will show how the government performs these election promises. In addition, the budget of the country will soon be considered by the European Commission.