
According to survey of Opinion Way, held among French people for Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme, LICRA, just 17% of French people have developed sense of belonging to ethnical social group.

French economist Jean Tyrol was awarded the Nobel peace prize for achievements in the field of Economics. In an interview to Europe 1, the hero noted that the main task of the country is now to invest

Since 2013, October 15 is the last date of submission for approval of the budgets of the 18 Eurozone member States, and this negotiation is even before the national budget approval.

In a recently published Credit suisse review of the Global wealth changes of household wealth in mid-2014 compared to mid-2013 are listed. The welfare of the world as a whole increased by 8.

In an interview with French channel Europe 1, the former leader of the right-wing French national Front (Le Front national, FN) Jean-Marie Le Pen spoke out strongly against changing the party’

According to Le Monde, on October 14, 2014 Russia (head of diplomace S. Lavrov) and USA (G. Kerry) agreed on information exchange on Islam state. Interests of the countries coincide here, about 500 Russian

Le Monde reports that the mandate of the current head of the French Electricity (Électricité de France) Henri Proglio, is expiring on November 22, 2014. The post will go to Jean-Bernard levy, who heads

Marine Le Pen has announced her intention to rename French party National Front (Le Front national, FN), founded in 1972, at its near the November Congress. The goal of the initiator in this is to clean up the party’

According to La croix, air Air France-KLM group plans to invest in the project low-cost flights in its branch Transavia, followed by companies Lufthansa / Germanwings and British Airways / Vueling.

According to research of ESET company, 53% respondents informed, that in their families schoolchildren are always online (at home or at school); 22% use Internet after homework; 9% use Internet for work only.

According to the research of Millward Brown Digital, 78% of American Internet-users watch TV in addition to it. Oftenly they check mail (70%), visit social network (64%), exchange with photos/texts/calls (32%).

According to radio Vera, now 6 million Africans profess the Orthodox faith. Since the 20-30s of the XX century, parishes began to appear not only in North but also in Central Africa.

According to the forecast of The World Bank, at the end of the first half of 2014, Russia is close to stagnation. Indications for this are the decline in domestic demand. Companies and households has already

05 Oct 2014 the Pope François opened the Synod on challenges against family and marriage. The Pope called to “hear the cry of the chosen people” and “to feel the spirit of the present time”

The Catholic newspaper, the Cross (La Croix) reported the concern of the French family. The French from Paris and Bordeaux took to the demonstration against imposed on them by anti-family legislation //