Французы протестуют против анти семейной политики государства World
The French are protesting against the anti family policy
05 Oct 2014, the French again came to universal manifestation Manif pour tous, which stretches from Paris to Bordeaux. This is another attempt to counter the triad anti-family initiatives of the government
Volkswagen will be the first automaker in the world
According to expert Oliver Wyman, Volkswagen Group till 2018 will become the first global auto maker; probably, it may happen until the end of 2014. At the moment the company leads in Europe (25% of the
The exhibition My history. Rurikovichi
From 4 to 20 November 2014 in the Moscow Manezh will be held an exhibition «My history. Rurikovichi», spanning 700 years of history of Ancient Russia. With the help of computer technology before visitors