Мирное урегулирование на Украине Orthodoxy
Foundation after Halebi brothers offered Russian Spiritual Experience to UN and US President
We live in unpredictable and conflict-affected world, where any spiritual effort aimed at the well-being of the humanity is notable. According to our sources, on May 15, 2023, the Russian Foundation for
Children of “children of war” become victims of new European conflict
It seems an evil fate is haunting a part of the Spanish people which became exiles of their own country during the Spanish Civil war in 1930s. Now their children have turned into exiles again due to the
Микель Ландабасо: Евросоюз хочет открыть себя для общения World
Mikel Landabaso: EU wants to open itself up to conversation
European experience in regional development is very precious for readers of “E-Vesti”. As soon as we learned about a new interesting project that is being implemented in the European Union, we decided to write about it.
There is a chance INF Treaty will be prolonged
A week ago, President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with permanent members of the Security Council and pointed out that on August 18, 2019, the Americans tested a cruise missile, which belongs to the prohibited
Ближайшими приоритетами Туркменистана останутся Иран и РФ World
Turkmenistan should focus Iran and Russia in the nearest future
It is wide known, thay Turkmenistan is one of the key driving forces in the development of Caspian cooperation (between Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan). For this purpose, the main
Выборы в Украине: до 2021 года курс страны продолжится Ukraine
Ukraine at a critical crossroads
Zelenskiy looks set to win … Polls show that Volodymyr Zelenskiy is best positioned to become Ukraine’s next president on 21 April.
Portuguese Ambassador Paulo Vizeu Pinheiro World
Portuguese Ambassador: Russians and Portuguese are romantic
Portuguese Ambassador Paulo Vizeu Pinheiro told to media a lot of times that he came to Russia to intensify Russian-Portuguese relations. A person well-known in global and Russian politics and business
Russia to deepen cooperation with Turkey
A number of important agreements were signed during the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Russia, where was held a meeting with senior officials of the country. Countries also agreed to
Roedl and Partners Russia
Real owners were forced to show the reports of companies
Since 2013 in the Russian legal area came the concept of “beneficial owner”. This concept means the real owners of more than 25% of the business that could own the company through a number
Russian goods will be produced in Egypt
01-03 March 2017 a delegation of the Ministry of industry and Trade of RF (Minpromtorg) makes an official visit to the city of a thousand mosques – Cairo (Egypt), where Russians discuss the details of
FAO meeting. Source: FAOnews World
By 2050, world’s population at 10 billion people have nothing to feed
Report by the Food and Agriculture organization of the UN (FAO), which marked uncertainty if humanity would be able to feed itself by the middle of the century with the current manner of exploiting nature
Maxim Oreshkin Russia
The Ministry of economy has evaluated the information achievements of Moscow region
The Minister of economic development of Russia M. Oreshkin at a meeting in Moscow region considered the results of the joint pilot project of “single window” (Multifunction center or MFC) with
Ana Carolina Cosse Garrido World
Uruguay is a regional leader and gateway to Latin America
On February 15, 2017 the Minister of industry, energy and mining of Uruguay Ana Carolina Cosse Garrido, together with other delegates from government and business of Uruguay represented her country in
Пётр Михайлович Фрадков, генеральный директор АО «Российский Экспортный Центр» Russia
Russian goods flexibly but firmly go to global certification
At the meeting of the Russian Export Centre (REC), held on 15 February 2017, the format of providing non-financial assistance to Russian exporters was discussed. The assistance is needed for overcoming
Serbs were made responsible for the detention in France of Albanian Ramush Haradinaj
The Prosecutor’s office of special Affairs of partially recognized territory of Kosovo, with the support of the special EU mission – EULEX, have charged more than fifty citizens of Serbian