
On July 07, 2016 at the Library for Foreign literature in Moscow (Nikoloyamskaya, 1) was opened Cultural Centre “Francothèque “. The opening was attended by the Director of the Library for

On June 07, 2016 in Washington (DC, USA) will be held events, dedicated to the first official arrival of American squadron in 1861 headed by extraordinary Ambassador of the United States by Gustavus Fox

Chemical company Amgen, issuing biotechnological cure, including 6 items supplying to Russia, published article at Nature magazine sharing its successful experience in implementing «Green chemistry» principles.

Vice President of China Zhang Gaoli at the forum in Beijing announced that, despite difficulties, China’s economy will achieve growth in 2016. His words are quoted by Agency Reuters.

French “La Croix” published article of Guillaume Goubert named «Divorce, the victory of individualism». Perhaps, it is difficult to express the change in French law on divorce better.

Pope Francis, who just received honor of Charles the Great in France, in his acceptance speech described his dream of «new Europaen Humanism». The pontiff have also described components of the dream as

International Monetary fund, United Nations and The World bank note, that growth of world economy 2015 was low – 2.4%. IMF predicts in 2016 small global growth at 3.2%. Restoration of the economy growth

Fall of oil prices, the declining Russian economy and the slowdown of China’s economy – trade partners of Kazakhstan, deteriorated economy of the country. The World bank expects growth of Kazakhstan economy at 0.

According to double survey, held by OpinionWay for religeous conference in France (Corref), 10% of French people thought about monasticism as calling, ie were going to become a monk.
In politics the main problem in Italy (as well as in other European countries) continues to be a huge, ever-increasing flow of refugees from Syria and other Arab countries, escaping from Islamic fanatics.

According to well-known Italian economists, the reform by which the government tried to correct the deteriorating economic situation, have not brought the expected results, since in most cases they were

French media inform of the operation to apprehend two suspects in act of terrorism on January 07, 2015. Magnitude of the operation for capturing two bandits with hostage, armed with Kalashnokows and pyrotechnics
French media write that on 29-30 November 2014 will be held the XV Congress of Le Front National or FN, which is a successful party of French nationalists. The Congress itself will take place without a

81% of French people do not approve of the fiscal policy of the state, according to the survey of the new organization for the protection of the family Robbed families (Les Familles plumées).

Pope Francois (François), in his speech on 20 November 2014 at the conference the Food and agriculture Commission of the United Nations, concerned about “speculation” on the diet, blocking hunger.