
It seems an evil fate is haunting a part of the Spanish people which became exiles of their own country during the Spanish Civil war in 1930s. Now their children have turned into exiles again due to the

Since 2013 in the Russian legal area came the concept of “beneficial owner”. This concept means the real owners of more than 25% of the business that could own the company through a number

01-03 March 2017 a delegation of the Ministry of industry and Trade of RF (Minpromtorg) makes an official visit to the city of a thousand mosques – Cairo (Egypt), where Russians discuss the details of

The Minister of economic development of Russia M. Oreshkin at a meeting in Moscow region considered the results of the joint pilot project of “single window” (Multifunction center or MFC) with

At the meeting of the Russian Export Centre (REC), held on 15 February 2017, the format of providing non-financial assistance to Russian exporters was discussed. The assistance is needed for overcoming

According to information received by “E Vesti” from a reputable company Rödl&Partner, there were significant changes in Russian legislation from January 1, 2017. First, we are talking

Communist Party of Russia – the government adopted a budget that sabotages the development of Russia
On December 20, 2016 at TASS press conference was held of the party leaders of the Communist Party. The leader of the party faction in the Duma Gennady Zyuganov, deputy chairmen of the CPRF Central Committee

The national system of professional qualifications will improve the quality of the Russian workforce
Russia is currently in a difficult situation on the demography and deficiency of skilled personnel. Lubov Eltsova, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation reported that

The First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov has presented the new Minister of economic development of Russia Maxim Oreshkin on 01 Dec 2016 at the Ministry of Economic development.

On November 21, 2016 a meeting of the Presidium of Presidential Council for the strategic development and priority projects was held. During this meeting the passport of the project was approved by of

On November 21, 2016 a meeting of the Presidium of Presidential Council for the strategic development and priority projects was held. One of the main topics discussed at this meeting was the issue of improving

On November 11, 2016, a conference “Arbitration in Russia to 2016: what happens next?” took place at the Moscow MARRIOTT Royal Aurora, the organizer was the publishing house “

The amendmets made to the arbitration law, which entered into force on September 1, 2016, were discussed at a conference “Arbitration in Russia to 2016: what happens next?”

Since the signing of the agreement on strategic partnership between Russia and China has already passed 15 years. Within the partnership there have been done many important measures aimed at its development.

On October, 11, 2016 Victoria Abramchenko was appointed to a new post combining the functions of the head of the Federal service for state registration, cadastre and cartography (Rosreestr) and the Deputy