
Vladimir Putin held a Meeting of the Council for development of physical culture and sports on 11 Oct 2016 in Kovrov (Vladimir region). At the event the issues of physical education of the population and

A summit of the BRICS countries (abbr. from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) that year after year strengthen your Union will take place on October 12-16, 2016 in Goa (India).

The main aim of the new project policy of the Russian government is to create a plan for the development of the Russian Federation that would ensure a good balance between all processes: volume of work

“Safe and high-quality roads” strategic project will fit 50% of regional roads in populous regions to the regulatory requirements by 2018 year and 85% of them to the proper state by 2025 year.

The government outlined the purpose of support small and individual entrepreneurship is the increasing number of small businesses by 10% growth in the number of workers employed in these regions, up to

September 22, 2016, Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova spoke about the success domestic healthcare system within the country and abroad.

First Deputy Minister of economic development of Russia Alexey Likhachev at session II of the Eastern economic forum said that Russia is ready to negotiate with Brussels in order to resume cooperation

On 05 August 2016 in Laos held a meeting of economic Ministers of East Asia summit. It is traditionally held on the eve of the 11-th East Asia summit, scheduled for September 2016.

Today the government of Russia carries out a reconstruction of the country’s economy, transforms its structure from the resource-based to an innovative model. The state has created good conditions for the investors.

On 27 July 2016, the Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev held a meeting with the Federal Minister of food and agriculture of Germany Christian Schmidt By the end of 2015, the trade

The Ministry of economic development and the Ministry of economy of Turkey to 09 August 2016 (the presidents) will develop a number of measures for the return of the trading partnership as of November

The Ministry of economic development jointly with the Agency for strategic initiatives until August 15, 2016 is accepting applications for the position of General Director of JSC “
22-24 June 2016 delegation of the Eurasian economic Commission (EEC) and the Association of European Businesses visited Italy to study the experience of Authorized economic operators (AEO).

Association of European Businesses and GFK Russia united again to evaluate level of business comfort in Russia and held in April 2016 research among 600 members of AEB.

In 2015 Russian government reduced expenses for construction and reconstruction of federal roads by 25% comparing to 2014 (to 179 bln RUR). At the same time, regional and local roads got 2.