Media review

According to British magazine “the Economist”, as a result of two dramatic conflict episodes of the past two weeks, China stopped buying coal in North Korea. The media sees there, together

Foreign media write about the difficulties and challenges that confront us with achievements in the field of high technology – invisible mental self-isolation and the complexity of the development
Media review
According to reports coming to Reuters from the diplomatic community and officials, it is planned to extend by six months sanctions imposed on Russia over the conflict in Ukraine after a meeting in Brussels
Russian media
According to the Russian media, today in Moscow an investment forum “Russia calling” is held, where the important statements and experts’ forecasts on the budget for 2017-2019, about

The main themes of Russian media were: the story of the canceled Putin’s visit to Paris and stopped sales and production of the new Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone due to the spontaneous combustion.
Media review
Foreign newspapers write about Russia. First of all, that our country “made friends” with Turkey again and signed an agreement on Turkish Stream. French media sneer on the planned visit of

The main themes of Russian media were: the story of the canceled Putin’s visit to Paris and stopped sales and production of the new Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone due to the spontaneous combustion.

European and American media are discussing three main topics: an election struggle of H. Clinton and D. Trump by compromising materials; anti-terrorist operation in Germany. In the framework of election

In the last 2 weeks in the world appeared and was spread the term Brexit. It comes from two English words – Britain и Exit, means the United Kingdom leaves the European Union. The same verbal construction
Media review
It is uneast=y in France. The media is tradicionnally covering the events in France and significant for France, but today it is focuses on the terrorist threat in the country, the reform of the labour
Media review
The main theme of the publications of the French media have become regional elections (that is, in the local government), ongoing 06 and 13 December 2015.

Most of media is focused on act of terrorism, which took place on November 13, 2015 in Paris and Saint-Deny. 129 people died there and 300 were injured. Today French police took by storm place of suspects’

According to research, held by Researching Center Effet early in 2015, USA write of its partners and potential enemies more than others. China, Germany and India are TOP3 of the most often mentioned countries in US.
Media review
The political life of France is currently alive. There is a new whiff associated with recognition of a Palestinian state, which will soon consider the French Parliament, the General Assembly.
Media review
In France, the discussion of the budget produced a political storm. In particular, a moderate politician F. Bayrou called for the dissolution of the National Assembly of France. On October 26, 2014 politician