Parenting of masculinity among children

Оружие. Детские игрушки. Ратникъ.

It is well-known that the traits of character come from childhood. It is known that the foundations of human nature are set in childhood. The formation of the male character traits is the most important task in the parenting of boys, traits such as responsibility, self-confidence, the ability to stand up for themselves and others. The processes taking place in modern society complicated the situation significantly: parenting children in incomplete families, mass culture and other factors prevent the formation of correct life values largely.

Moscow company “Ratnik” is engaged in development, manufacturing and sales of toy weapons, armor and protective weapons for children from 1 to 12 years. A feature of the product is the maximum reproduction of the original weapons and wood is a basic material for its manufacturing. For example, in assortment of company are Shpagin machine guns, two-handed swords which externally no different from the original. Plate armor are made of steel and chain mail is a replica of part of the national protective weapons.

We offer you an interview with the head of company Andrey Fomichev, who suggests his views on the games and parenting. The interview will be interesting to those parents who take care about the proper upbringing of their children. We hope, the themes which raised in the interview will find response among the parents and give them food for thought about the importance of the development the male and female qualities of character and the formation of spiritual values among boys and girls.

Here are the main theses of the interview, which reveal detail in the video:

  1. “We are talking honestly with children”
  2. “Matches, knives, slingshot – it’s something that normal boy should have”
  3. “We need to bring up children, and not to care and cherish”
  4. “What child plays, it will affect his life”
  5. “Not everyone should be a military, but to raise the readiness to sacrifice themselves in the name of saving the mother, family, children, the Native land – anyone needs it”

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