Simplified the procedure of withdrawal of accreditation of Universities

In the second reading the state Duma approved a bill allowing the Rosobrnadzor (Federal Service for supervision in education and science) is easier to deprive the Universities accreditation.

Now this does not require a court decision, enough 2 Service regulations on violations with an interval in six months and check her results eliminate. Recently, the service stopped the enrolment of students in 11 universities, including state – Ivanovo state University, MAMI, Dagestan state University, Novosibirsk Academy of architecture and construction.

Today in Russia there is about 900 universities and 1’350 branches with totally 5.6 million students. The bill, according to the initiators aimed at “pseudo higher education institutions” will be considered by the Duma in December 2014 and could enter into force from January 2015.

// Moscow// 23/11/2014, Source: Rossiyskaya gazeta

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