The all-Russian competition of ballet dancers and choreographers 2016 is opened

Открыт Всероссийский конкурс артистов балета и хореографов 2016

Applications for all-Russia competition of ballet dancers and choreographers are accepted till 01 Oct 2016. The contest will be held on 30 October – 04 November 2016 in Moscow, the Moscow State Academic Children’s Musical Theatre named N. I. Sats.

All-Russian competition of ballet dancers and choreographers was established by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2013 and is held every year in one of four specialties: “the Choreographers” (2013); “Typical folk-stage dance” (2014); “Modern dance in musical theatre” (2015) and “the ballet” (2016). The initiator of the competition – people’s artist of the USSR Yuri Grigorovich. He will head the jury.

The competition includes a Junior (14-18 years) and senior (19-26 years) age categories. It is a qualifying stage for the XIII Moscow international competition of ballet artists and choreographers, which will be held in June 2017 at the Bolshoi theatre of Russia.

The organization and conduct of the contest is provided by non-profit partnership of assistance to development of culture and art “COMMUNITY-21ST CENTURY”.


Russian State Library.

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