On August 25, 2016 was presented the art history training program for residents of Department of plastic and reconstructive surgery, cosmetology and cellular technologies at Institute named after Pirogov.
The training will take place in October-November 2016 in the walls of the Pushkin Fine Arts Museum and will occupy a total of 16 hours.
Two theoretical lessons of the program will show the evolution of standards of beauty in time.
Six practical lessons will talk about the basic skills of drawing: placement of hands, the ratio of proportions, etc.
“Before cutting, you need to know how to draw” – so has formulated the main aim of familiarizing your students with the beautiful Natalia Manturova, head of the Department of plastic and reconstructive surgery, cosmetology and cellular technologies of Institute named after Pirogov.
The program is developed by the Bureau of educational and exhibition projects of the Pushkin Fine Arts Museum. The museum’s goal is to teach residents to the perception and understanding of works of art. “Ivan Tsvetayev created the Museum as an educational Museum of Moscow University… We are pleased that this initiative will allow the Museum to return to its roots”, – commented Head of the Surya Sadekova.

Sources: Pushkin State Museum of Fine Art.