Keep your mind in hell and despair not.
Saint Silouan
From 20 to 31 August 2016 parishioners of Holy spirit Cathedral in Minsk will be able to venerate the relics of St. ven. Silouan.
From 31 August until 24 September 2016 relics of the Saint will be available for veneration Russian pilgrims in the following sequence:
- 31 Aug 2016 – 03 Sep 2016 in Bryansk city,
- 03-06 September 2016 in Orel city,
- 06-09 Sep 2016 in Elets city,
- 09-12 September 2016 in Tambov city,
- 12-15 September 2016 in Yekaterinburg city,
- 15-24 September 2016 in Moscow.
Saint Silouan was canonized on 26 November 1987 by the decision of the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The day of memory of St. Silouan on September 11.
Saint Silouan (1866-1938) is the ascetic monastery of St. Panteleimon is a native of the Tambov province. After death left notes, called “the New loving-kindness.
Bringing the relics will take place in the framework of the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Russian monasticism on Mount Athos, which will be celebrated in 2016. The organizer of bringing is the Foundation of St. Basil the Great.
On mount Athos Russian St.-Panteleymon monastery (or Rusik) is originated from theXI century(Old Rusik survived to this day). But before the end of the XV century its inhabitants were mostly Greeks. Then he began to move Russian in to 1845, they made up the majority of the brethren. Services there are made in Russian and Greek. The great relics are kept in the monastery: head of St. Panteleimon, a piece of the true cross, parts of the relics of St. John the Baptist, the apostles Peter, Andrew, Matthew, Bartholomew, Thomas, Barnabas, Beams, Gregory Palamas, St. Seraphim of Sarov. Silouan, etc.
The main celebrations of the 1000th anniversary of the Russian monasticism on Mount Athos will be held from 21 to 24 September in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, which will host the international Conference exhibition “Russia and mount Athos” and a concert.