Culture and art
1’000 publications on chess will be available on the RSL web-site
14 February 2017 at the Pashkov House in Moscow, owned by the Russian State Library (RSL), it was decided to create an electronic archive of valuable publications written in European languages and devoted to chess .
В марте Динара Алиева покажет «Ласточку» Пуччини Music
Dinara Alieva will show “Swallow” of Puccini in March
The Second international music festival of Dinara Alieva – OperaArt will start on March 7, 2017. Like two years ago, the famous singer, soloist of the Bolshoi theatre invites opera lovers to her festival
Julia Stepanova, Makhar Vaziev, Toyohisa Kozuki, Press-conference about Bolshoi Theater tour in Japan Culture and art
30-35 thousand of Japanese will see the Bolshoi ballet
On 02 June 2017 in Hiroshima city, the Bolshoi theatre’s ballet will open the “Russian seasons” in Japan. It will be a brilliant beginning of the project, consisting of more than 40 events in different
Зимний вечер, 1912, И.Ф. Шультце Exhibitions
Exhibition of Ivan Choultse opened at Muraviev-Apostol estate
To 2nd April Muscovites have a tremendous opportunity to touch the world of Russian estate of Muraviev-Apostol (Museum of Matthew Muraviev-Apostol), and to observe “Magic light”
Ana Carolina Cosse Garrido World
Uruguay is a regional leader and gateway to Latin America
On February 15, 2017 the Minister of industry, energy and mining of Uruguay Ana Carolina Cosse Garrido, together with other delegates from government and business of Uruguay represented her country in
Russia will meet Indian tourists by comfortable environment of stay
Russia will make the most comfortable conditions of stay for Indian tourists. It will be performed according to “India Friendly” program, which was represented at the largest tourism fair in New Delhi
Конгресс молодых реставраторов организовал Молодёжное крыло Culture and art
Congress of young restorers has established the Youth wing
The First all-Russian Congress of young restorers under the patronage of the Union of restorers was held on January 30-31, 2017 in Moscow in the Central House of Architect.
Dance of Death at Vakhtangov Theatre. Photo: Vakhtangov Theatre. Theatre
Festival dei 2Mondi introduced the “Dance of Death” at Vakhtangov Theatre
Vakhtangov Theatre invited the brightest representatives of modern Italian theatre: Metastasio in Italy, Festival dei 2Mondi and Mittelfest for the premiere of A. Strindberg’s play – “Dance of death” on
Пётр Михайлович Фрадков, генеральный директор АО «Российский Экспортный Центр» Russia
Russian goods flexibly but firmly go to global certification
At the meeting of the Russian Export Centre (REC), held on 15 February 2017, the format of providing non-financial assistance to Russian exporters was discussed. The assistance is needed for overcoming
Twenty-five chapters of life of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna
Presentation of memoirs of Grand Duchess Olga Aleksandrovna “25 chapters of my life” took place on February 15, 2017 in Historical Museum in Moscow. Memoirs of the youngest sister of Nicholas
Experts: reasons for the fall of the economy are out of sanctions
On 16 February 2017 at the Association of European businesses (AEB) was held a discussion “Talks on Russian economy”. It was attended by Ruslan Grinberg, head of the research Institute of Economy
Natural science
MSU “Noah’s ark” in 2018 will collect a million plants
In Moscow State University (MSU Lomonosov) in the framework of the project “Noah’s ark” was earned Russia’s largest digital herbarium with about 800 thousand samples.
Glaziev believes that Orthodox banking is a way out of the abyss
Experts talked about the development of Russian banking system, engines of domestic production growth, and discussed project of equity financing of business in Russian Public Chamber on February 14, 2017.
Companies news
Vernissage may be a hospitality phenomenon
One of my friends – at that time she was PhD student at History department of Moscow State University – started working in Italian restaurant and told me once, that she loved to serve and to sell food to the people.
Russian and Slovenian companies signed agreements Economy
Slovenian-Russian trade will grow because of new contracts
At the third Russian-Slovenian business meeting “Looking to the future: new opportunities for cooperation with Europe” held on 10 February 2017 in Moscow, were signed 14 business contracts